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Noah's Ark Develop a Child's CreativityAt Noah’s Ark we feel that what the child creates within him/herself is worthwhile and worthy of serious consideration. We try to offer a wide range of materials and activities for the children to work with, experience and enjoy. Creativity is an integral part of our curriculum and extends to dance, music, block building, dramatic play, mud play and any other activity that challenges your child’s imagination and ability.

In the art area, we make a wide variety of materials available on a daily basis-crayons, markers, tape, hole punches, scissors, rulers, glue and string. We encourage the children to use these materials appropriately, but in whatever creative way they choose. We emphasis the process rather than the product. We encourage the child to follow their creative instincts rather than to copy or duplicate.

The teachers plan structured art projects during their weekly lessons and all the children are encouraged to participate. Many times these works are hung on the walls for display or held to be used for a special occasion (i.e. mother’s day). Always ask us if your child is missing a project. Children do not bring home papers everyday. They are only encouraged to participate. Please do not be alarmed if your child does not bring home papers on a regular basis. In most instances the opportunity to “create” is your child’s choice.

Each child has an art cubby, for their art work which is to be taken home and shared with their family. Discussing a child’s art work with them is an excellent way to begin discussion of the day’s activities. We suggest that a parent not ask, “What’s that?” because to a child very often they were not drawing a particular thing. “What a lovely picture, would you like to tell me about it?” or a statement of just what you see, will often encourage them to talk about their art experiences. At the end of each week the art cubbies are cleaned to be ready for Monday morning. We cannot save the children’s work so be sure and check daily.

Call us at (775) 747-3775 or contact us online